
Episode 25 | Seasons Wrap Up with Southern Qld Country

Episode 25

Season Wrap-Up with Southern Qld Country

Season Wrap Up

Hi Everyone and welcome to AOTR podcast. Proudly brought to by Overedger a great new product for those enjoining the camping lifestyle, more on this product next episode 1st July and we will have a special offer for our listeners. Well we are starting to see the light at the end of tunnel call Covid 19. It has been a very time for all of us involved in the caravanning and camping industry. With no one allowed to travel many businesses have gone through a long period of zero income. We have even missed out on our annual trip to state caravanning and camping shows. where we do research on where to travel to next and what’s new in the way of vans and equipment. We all know its going to be awhile before we can travel overseas,so now is a good time to do as much domestic travel as we can visit places that we have not been to before and may be some of our favourite places along the way. Now more than ever it is time to travel, shop and support as many businesses in our local regions and state. If you are having trouble with where to go I suggest you visit your states Caravanning Associations website for some ideas also check out the websites of regional tourism groups. And some of park chains have some great information on their website like Family Parks, Big 4, Kuwi Discovery Parks, and Holiday Parks Down Under or you can also listen to some of our previous episodes to get some ideas of places to visit. I do highly recommend that you plan your trip at the moment and phone ahead and book your accommodation stays so you are not disappointed or find that some places may still not be open or are operating under certain restrictions or conditions. We will put some links in the show notes however it will not complete as there are so many. Next I have a chat to Peter Homan the CEO of Southern Qld Country Tourism with some suggestions on what there is to see and do in the region, so if your planning a trip to Western Qld there is plenty to do along the way.

Listen to the Art Silo Episode here


A few Handy Links

Overedger Outdoors

Overedger Pack

Southern Qld Country Tourism

Southern Qld Country Tourism
Adventures On The Road Podcast